• Red Cross Building, 8th Floor, No.106, Anagarika Dharmapala Mw, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
  • info@ccihwk.com

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In the fast-paced world of business, effective leadership is crucial for success. Recognizing this, the CCI – HWK Vocational Training Improvement Project conducted 02 comprehensive leadership training programs for company HR representatives. The aim was to enhance their leadership skills, focusing on self-guidance, problem-solving, motivators, feedback, management skills, time management, systematic instruction, safety, and communication skills. The program was held at Gap HQ premises from 23rd October 2023- 26th October 2023 and 30th October 2023- 02nd November 2023 led by International Craftsman Dirk Abel.

The training, spanning 05 Days for each training, was designed to be immersive and practical, enabling participants to apply new concepts and techniques directly to their roles. It began with a focus on self-guidance and self-reflection, helping HR representatives understand their strengths, weaknesses, and leadership styles. Through interactive exercises and discussions, participants gained valuable insights into their own leadership abilities, laying the foundation for personal growth and development.

Problem-solving was another key component of the training. Participants learned strategies for identifying, analyzing, and solving complex problems, equipping them with the skills needed to address challenges in their organizations effectively. The training emphasized the importance of a proactive and creative approach to problem-solving, encouraging participants to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions.

Motivation and feedback were also central themes of the training. Participants learned about different motivators and how to apply them to inspire and engage their teams. The training also introduced the 3A model for giving feedback, emphasizing the importance of being specific, actionable, and appreciative in feedback delivery.

Management skills were a major focus, with participants learning how to be effective team leaders. They explored the key skills and mindsets required to lead teams successfully, including the ability to set clear goals, communicate effectively, and provide constructive feedback. The training also emphasized the concept of “wellset,” encouraging participants to prioritize their well-being to be more effective leaders.

Time management was addressed through the SMART and Eisenhower methods, helping participants prioritize tasks and manage their time more effectively. The training also introduced systematic instruction, highlighting the importance of having a structured approach to training and development, using either 4 steps or routine systems.

Safety issues were addressed using the 5S method, which focuses on organizing the workplace to improve efficiency and safety. Participants learned how to implement 5S in their organizations, creating a safer and more productive work environment.

Communication skills were a central focus of the training, with participants learning about the Skill/Will model, the 4 ears and 4 beaks model, the DISC model, and the Johari window. These tools and concepts helped participants improve their communication skills, enabling them to communicate more effectively with their teams and stakeholders.

The leadership training program was a success, giving HR professionals the abilities and information required to lead successfully in their respective companies. These delegates will surely put their newly acquired abilities to use when they go back to work, encouraging innovation and constructive change inside their companies.


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